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Re: Work With Horses: Becoming a Stablehand
Hi, im 37 years old. Looking for a job and a teacher. Im from Russia. Was taking part in ~ 50 horse rides.
Re: Sniffer & Police Dogs at Work
My dog finds the ball wherever I hide it, she amazes me. I really think she could find anything anywhere. To her it is a game.
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
i’m only 17 and i have always wanted to open my own animal shelter. i want to try and make it possible to open multiple in…
Re: Work as a Flying Groom
Good day I am much interested in flying groom position. I am based in Zimbabwe with over 15 years experience in horse care management as…
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
Hi Vic and Callum, I am based in North Yate - I'm in a similar situation! Perhaps we could start a group chat with ideas? I…
Re: Work in a Zoo
Hi, I'm Gabriel. I'm 15 turning 16 in November and thought that I'd really like to get a summer job working for some zoo in or around Liverpool. I am…
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
Hello to Callum, I am based in Cheltenham and am animal crazy, I wan to rescue also! I do know a farmer who will give me a bit of…
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
Hi there, My name is Callum, I'm currently working full time in leisure in the south west (Wiltshire) I'm also buying and…
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
Hi, my daughter (24y) seems to be collecting unwanted animals so far she has 4 horses, 2 cats , a dog and today someone gave her…
Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
Hi Dani That would be amazing. I am still in the process of getting my veterinary nurse qualification once I have completed the…