Great Advice for a Career with Animals...
If you have a keen interest in working with animals, but don't know where to start, the articles on this website will help you. Likewise CareerWith Animals can point you in the right direction if you already have experience but are unsure of how to progress with your chosen career.
July's Most Popular Articles...
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A Day in the Life of
A Day in the Life of: A Day in the Life of a Fly-fishing Instructor, A...
Animal Equipment
Animal Equipment: Work in the Equestrian Supplies Business, Making Animal Housing For a...
Animal Health
Animal Health: Become an Equine Veterinary Nurse, Set Up a Dog Grooming Service,...
Animal Therapy
Animal Therapy: What Does a Canine Behaviourist Do, What Does a Horse Whisperer Do?,...
Animals on the Move
Animals on the Move: Work as a Flying Groom, Work with Animals in...
Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: How do I Start a Career at the Airport?, What's the Best Way to...
Breeding Animals
Breeding Animals: Working in an Abattoir?, Careers in Animal Genetics, Work in the Food...
Caring For Animals
Caring For Animals: Work With Horses: Becoming a Stablehand, Exmoor Ponies in Co...
Pet Services
Pet Services: Pet Cemeteries: Who Runs Them and Why?, Pet Friendly Holiday...
Training Animals
Training Animals: Teach Dog Obedience Classes or Courses, Get Involved in Schooling...
Working Animals
Working Animals: Sniffer & Police Dogs at Work, Working Horses on Duty, The...
Latest Comments
  • Kidza
    Re: Work as a Flying Groom
    Good day I am much interested in flying groom position. I am based in Zimbabwe with over 15 years experience in horse care management as…
    7 July 2024
  • Eva
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hi Vic and Callum, I am based in North Yate - I'm in a similar situation! Perhaps we could start a group chat with ideas? I…
    15 June 2024
  • Gabriel
    Re: Work in a Zoo
    Hi, I'm Gabriel. I'm 15 turning 16 in November and thought that I'd really like to get a summer job working for some zoo in or around Liverpool. I am…
    6 June 2024
  • Vic
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hello to Callum, I am based in Cheltenham and am animal crazy, I wan to rescue also! I do know a farmer who will give me a bit of…
    20 April 2024
  • Cal
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hi there, My name is Callum, I'm currently working full time in leisure in the south west (Wiltshire) I'm also buying and…
    18 April 2024
  • Hele
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hi, my daughter (24y) seems to be collecting unwanted animals so far she has 4 horses, 2 cats , a dog and today someone gave her…
    11 April 2024
  • Andrea
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hi Dani That would be amazing. I am still in the process of getting my veterinary nurse qualification once I have completed the…
    2 April 2024
  • Kathlean Wu
    Re: Artificial Insemination and Breeding Animals
    Hello Sir/Madam,, I am Kathlean WU and an overseas publicist for Beijing Green Auris Biotechnology Co.,…
    25 March 2024
  • Chloe o Sullivan
    Re: Run your own Animal Shelter
    Hi,im doing a project in school on How much would it cost too open a animal shelter?Hopefully if this does eventually happen it…
    14 March 2024
  • weezie
    Re: General Work Experience with Animals
    Hi my name is elouize reed i am 14 years old trying to find work experience. I love animals i have grown with so many…
    6 March 2024
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