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What Does a Horse Whisperer Do?

By: Margaret Paxton - Updated: 19 Jul 2023 | comments*Discuss
Horse Whisperer Horse Whisperer Horses

Horse whispering, as it is often referred to, is more about listening than whispering. The professional horse men and women who practice this skill understand how to read the body language of horses and are fully aware of the psychology of the horse.

Where do They Start?

Horses that have suffered abuse from people or been traumatised through an accident may develop changed behaviour that their owners find difficult to deal with, or may even result in the horse being labelled dangerous. A horse whisperer may be called in to help in situations like this, but horse-lovers around the world are learning more about holistic horsemanship earlier, which is instrumental in avoiding serious difficulties that may otherwise arise.

Horse whisperers spend years studying the horse and its behaviour in natural surroundings. They learn to read the silent but incredibly powerful communication we call body language. From the most subtle changes in facial expressions, drooping lower lips, ear movements, the flick of a tail, stamp of a foot, to rolling eyes and rearing, the horse’s entire language of communication is expressed in clear terms, for those who learn to interpret it.

Young horses that had received little handling but were destined to be riding horses, for example, were once trained to work using quiet brutal methods of coercion. This system was called ‘breaking’. ‘Making’ a horse is preferable to breaking one.

In some public demonstrations, a horse whisperer will stand in an enclosure, of a reasonable size, which a young untrained horse is released into. The horse’s natural instinct is to fight or flight. The whisperer becomes the herd, the safe place to be, by his use of body language. First, he sends the horse away, he has not yet invited it to join his herd! He drives the horse forward and keeps him away.

When the horse is invited to, he may move in from the barrier towards the whisperer. He is indicating his readiness to listen. When the horse is sent away again and moves in whichever direction and speed the whisperer requests, the horse is giving his agreement to the partnership.

During this assessment/initial training period, the horses outline, or body shape, changes and its body language clearly visible to people watching. This introduction can take seconds or minutes. It is always approached though as if the horse whisperer really has all day to stand there. The result is a clear understanding that can be successfully built on. No shouting, no fear, no pain. A calm and positive mutual understanding that provides a sound basis for true partnership between man and horse.

Building Trust

For the young horse who has had this sort of gentle introduction training can be continued along the same lines with the horse whisperers advice and example. For horses who have had unpleasant experiences and displayed behavioural problems, the horse whisperer will assess the elements of difficulty and work with the horse to build its confidence and trust, using the same 'I represent safety' techniques. If the object of fear is clippers, for example, they will be used in the body language training session. The horse will accept that it is a wise move to stand still, near the 'safe person', than attempt to run away from the previously dreaded object and confidence will improve.


The horse whisperer does not perform tricks. He, or she, uses the oldest language in the world in order to read the horse and communicate with the horse, combined with equine psychology, to achieve partnership.

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Dear Sir, My name is Achraf IBN HAJAR, 26 years old , Iam from Morroco.I hope to get a volunteer job with you for a long time. I want to tell you that I have a baccalaureate degree in physics. I live now in Morocco but I can come to you after I hope to receive an invitation from you Kind regards,
ACH - 19-Jul-23 @ 6:33 PM
I've had my mind made up since I was 8 years old (nearly 20 years now) that I wanted to be an Equestrian Psychologist. I've known I wanted to work with horses pretty much my whole life despite being raised in the city. I have one person in my life though that's important to me, who has shown no support in my decision, and has all but begged me to choose another career path. They think my choice is impractical, has no market, will be overly emotionally taxing, will be more than I can handle, that I don't have enough knowledge or experience despite studying horses for the last 16 years, that I'll fail. This has been bothering me and making me cry for a long time, because if I could get just a little support from them in this, I could make much larger strides than I have over the last 10 years. I'd probably already be in the courses that I need to take through the University of Guelph, I'd probably already have at least half of the certification that I'd need to prove myself worthy... Instead I'm stuck at home, trying to appease this person by taking courses for other animal careers. This article helps prove part of my point that there is a need for people like me out there, but I'm wondering how many others are out there expressing the same thing. I really need to collect all the articles I can so I can prove to them that this is a real thing that I can do... That I want to do. That I can succeed at, that I will enjoy beyond any other career I could ever choose. So if anyone has any other articles that will help... Please, I could use them, thank you.
corrinaclarise - 17-Sep-20 @ 4:08 PM
Which qualifications from college/university do you need to be a horse whisperer? Also is there another name for the same job?
Rani158 - 27-Jun-18 @ 3:55 AM
I am doing a project for economic's and I want to job shadow a horse whisperer. I need help ASAP. please message me back as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. I'm from Idaho, so I need to find someone near by.
Makayla - 6-Feb-17 @ 6:31 PM
I have a racehorse who circles in his stall nearly everyday at very quick pace for 20 minutes each day. He isn't a bad behaved horse but just has this problem. Not sure what causes this but it doesn't help him in racing.What can I do?
Firey - 24-Sep-16 @ 2:23 AM
I've just finished a 6week course of therapy Tower House Horse's In Hampshire and boy was it emotional I've been around Horse's most of my younger years and really thought I was confident around them you can fool any Councillor or psychological professional but you can never fool a horse. Coming up to the last week I really didn't want it to end but it was the icing on the cake in as much as there is a Exmoor pony there called Tommy and he is the most anti social animal I have seen lol but I was determined to work with him. To cut a long story short I actually managed to halter him which amazed myself as well as the therapist as she'd never caught him It was 6 weeks well spent and would certainly endorse it even as a sort of team building for companies,I'm at the stage now where I want to volunteer at a stables I'm 54 from Portsmouth and not many stables here any help would be appreciated many thanks for taking time to read this message and I'm sorry it's long but I truly want to get my experience I've gained out there...thank you again....ian
Walrus22 - 14-May-16 @ 12:37 PM
Hey Roo Tell him and be a little FIRM with your decision and ask him to help you to find the right stable to help you and pay you even if it means an apprenticeship - I've never heard of one but check and good luck with the Majestic GG's Cheers Jimbob McJox
Jimbo - 27-Jan-16 @ 10:21 AM
Hi. I'm a student in year 9 about to choose my GCSEs and I want to be a horse whisperer. It's my dream but I'm worried that I won't be able to follow my dream. Also my dad doesn't think that it's a good career option, but I really want to help horses and work with them. Can you give me any tips on how to win over my dad and tips for my future career? Thank you it would mean so much.
Roo - 14-Jan-16 @ 6:51 PM
Blondee. Just be patient these things take a lot of time and understanding. You need to show repeatedly that there is nothing to be scared of for the both of them.
em2237 - 8-Mar-15 @ 8:04 AM
My horses has been hit in the past and he doesn't load into the trailer and if he is pressured into it he will attempt to kick you or rear? Iknow he has had any accident in the trailer but how can I help him if he won't let me? I have another horse who has been battered in the past and shipped about by dealers but he is terribly nervous and head shy he rears when your riding him bucks and just doesn't listen to you what so ever he hates his legs getting touched and tries to lash out at you but as soon as you tell him he bad for what he's done he gets so nervous and starts getting himself into a state?
Blondee - 28-Dec-14 @ 7:20 PM
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